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NSBE National Scholarship Program

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The NSBE National Scholarship Program provides crucial financial support, ranging from $500 to $10,000 per year, to students in pursuit of engineering and applied science degrees. During the 2022–23 scholarship cycles, the National Scholarship Program distributed $626,200 in scholarship awards to pre-collegiate, undergraduate and graduate students. Meaningful scholarships increase the likelihood that students will attain their engineering degrees.

Scholarship Name # of Awards Amount of Each Award
Arup Scholarship 2$5,000
ExxonMobil Scholarship 10$3,500
GE AAF-Lloyd Trotter Scholarship3$10,000
GE Foundation Scholarship1$5,000
GEI Consultants, Inc. Scholarship3$5,000
NV5 Global, Inc. Scholarship10$5,000
The American Ceramic Society Scholarship 2$5,000
Tighe & Bond Scholarship3$5,000
Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant 2$750
Graduate Student Scholarship 3$3,000
Leroy Callendar NSBE Jr. Scholarship2$500
NSBE Academic Improvement Scholarship 15$500
NSBE BCA/Affiliate/Fellows Scholarship 81$1,000–$2,500
NSBE Fulfilling the Legacy Scholarship 10$1,500
NSBE Jr. Golden Torch Scholarship 5$1,000
NSBE Jr. Graduating Senior Scholarship 3$2,000
NSBE Study Abroad Scholarship 6$500
PCI Female Student of the Year 1$1,000
PCI Male Student of the Year 1$1,000
Mike Shinn Member of the Year 2$7,500
NSBE Jr. Bridge Scholarship 8$1,000
Barnes Scholarship 8$5,000
Chevron Scholarship18$5,000
John Deere Scholarship3$5,000
World Fuel Services Scholarship 1$10,000
Pactiv Evergreen Scholarship1$10,000
Ford Motor Company Fund Scholarship12$3,600
SentinelOne Scholarship2$5,000